Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Youtube and Wikipedia

YouTube is not only a great tool for procrastinating, but also can be used highly effectively in the classroom. In HPE it is a great tool, because you can find 'how-to' videos on many sports, making the teaching easier and often making the learning easier for visual learners.

Currently in 9PE we are playing American Flag Football. A lot of kids are struggling to pass consistently and this video is a great video to explain a few tips. It also has some good visuals in there that help explain how to get the most out of throws.

The senior health class I am currently in is starting a new unit on substance abuse. Wiki has a great deal of information on substance abuse, with a number of links to journals and government pages. Students can use this information to gain further knowledge and those studnts who are advanced can even being to search journals to find information on facts and figures regarding the subject.

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