Monday, March 8, 2010

Learnings management, learning styles

I found the 8LMQs to be a really good 'map' in the design of LEPs. In most instances it will work, however if students require IEPs or in practical components of subjects such as HPE or manual arts I find some of the questions to be a bit hazy.

After completing the learning with technology profile tool (found Here) I was impressed with the test results that showed I scored high in both Indicators of Engaged Learning and Indicators of High-Performance Technology. I think working in a school for the past 12 or so months and my fairly young age and my familiartiy with technology means I will be able to connect with a lot easier and engage students using novel ideas and technology. Even in my seniors schooling in '04 - '05, the classes I loved were the ones that were based around the bottom of the learning pyramid, whereas those I disliked were basically chalk and talk, and my marks reflected this.

My learning style looks as I thought it would. I am an active, sensing, visual and sequential learner, however I didn't score very highly in any particular category which means I can be quite flexible in how I deliver information to students.

This week was a good way to reflect on how I best learn and interact with others, and not only means that I can improve my teaching methods but also my study habits.

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