Monday, March 22, 2010

My learning experiences/incorporating technology into learning

My learning experiences, especially those in high school are quite similar to Dale's Cone. However, multimedia such as television and motion pictures played a much larger role in my education than things such as field trips and exhibits. For example, in year 12 English we wrote an analytical essay on the Matrix and a powerpoint presentation on a technological issue of our choice. This meant we were able to basically choose any topic we desired and made learning and studying a lot funner. Being able to do my final assessment in year 12 English on music piracy and illegal downloading immersed me in a subject I loved and therefore made me want to learn more and do well, because I prided myself on my music and popular culture knowledge.

This to me was an obvious experience of how it made the learning student-centric, and in doing so it made me strive towards a better mark. Even if it was a teacher-centric experience I'd still want a good mark, but by putting the onus back on us to choose a topic and having that freedom, it made the learning experience so much more personal and fun.

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